
My name is Monica Aghadiuno and my candidate number is 9365. I am in Group 3 with Godgift Emesi (9044), Angela Chen (9025) and Thakshana Yogeswaran (9179). To see my work please use the following three labels on the right: 'A2 Research and Planning,' 'A2 Construction' and 'A2 Evaluation.'

Group 3 - Music Video

Group 3 - Digipak

Group 3 - Digipak
Our Digipack, top left - back, top right - front, bottom left - inside panel, bottom right - inside panel (CD)
This is a link to our website, click the image above to enter our site

Sunday, 29 November 2015

R+P Post 29: Rehearsals

Rehearsal Schedule
We thought our rehearsal week should prioritise creating and learning a dance routine to the chorus and sorting out our various lighting set ups. The dance routine is extremely important to our music video, as it allows us to follow girl band conventions and give us a professional image.

Angela and I in the Seaward studio for a dance rehearsal

Gift and Thakshana performing our dance routine for the camera in a rehearsal session 

My group testing out the lighting

We would often watch the above video to warm up before we started rehearsing and also to inspire some of our dance moves. 

This choreography video was one of my favourites and had some good moves that we could use if we slowed them down and simplified them

We wanted our video to incorporate street/hip-hop dance moved to correspond to our street image. It makes our band more interesting as it means we can dance as well as sing. This is important for a girl band and it is a common convention, for example, below is a GIF from 'Don't Cha' by The Pussycat Dolls:

The schedule was very helpful as it allowed us to be organised throughout the week and know exactly how much time we could allocate for learning the routine/setting up our lighting. Organising a rehearsal week in general was beneficial to the pre-production stages of our task. It meant we could create dance moves to be incorporated into our video, test out our ideas regarding lighting and see if they worked or not and to see if everything we had come up with so far (performance, lighting) looked good together.

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