The Weeknd's website - I like the colour scheme and sophisticated look. I think our website
should make use of our logo colours (red and white) with a black background |
As can be seen in our flat plan below, this website has influenced our design. We liked the combination of the main black background and the white font colour; they compliment one another. Therefore we have chosen to keep this simplistic format as it looks sophisticated. We also liked the positioning of the artist's name at the top of the website. This is an example of strong branding as it extremely bold and visible. Furthermore, as it appears on every page, it means the branding is consistent. We have used the same idea for our flat plan design which can be seen below. We want D4MES to be in big font in the middle of the header, and we plan this to appear on every page, reinforcing the image and brand of the band.
Fifth Harmony's website - I like how visually appealing the home page is; we are
drawn in from the moment we enter the site |
I also like the range of pictures of the band and the range of colour |
Fifth Harmony's website has also influenced our flat plan design. On their home page, they have big, bold images of the band, and this is what we see as soon as we enter it. Therefore, their image is promoted from the second you enter the website. Furthermore, each member of the band is enhanced through editing and the white outline around each of them shows them off individually. We plan to do something similar with our front page, as you can see from our designs below. We have designed our home page to contain a large image of the band, with each member separated from each other slightly in a grid like design. This is an attempt to show audiences that D4MES is a band with four individuals with different personalities. Finally, Fifth Harmony's website has done really well to appeal to their audience visually, due to the bright colours. This has influenced our ideas as we plan to edit the images with a coloured filter, which would draw more attention to the band.
Ed Sheeran's website - I like the layout of the news web page. It has a range of news which is important, it is important to update fans about things the artist is doing on a day to day basis - makes them more relatable |
Ed Sheeran's website has an extremely social news page. This is important as it encourages fans to connect with the artist across different platforms and on different social media sites. This has influenced our ideas as we have decided to link the news page with live news feeds to our different social media sites, in order to keep fans regularly updated. You can see this from the plan of our news page below.
Screenshots of the main pages we did for our website flat-plan:
Home page |
Ideally we want this to be really visual and so that fans can see our band from the minute they enter our site. It will also have links to other things on the website such as music and to our social media.
Meet the girls page |
If possible, we want this section to be interactive with our fans. For example, the images of the band members could be animated. This is because we want the fan to see the band's fun side and essentially give them a friendly introduction of each member.
News page |
This page will have various links to social media, for example, the band's Twitter feed showing our latest tweets. It will also have random information about what the band is up to, such as information about a meet and greet.
Music page |
This will showcase our first single - Red Planet but will also allow fans to check out the other songs from our album, We plan to embed a music player for the website so the other songs from our album will be displayed. We will also attach a link to iTunes - a very conventional thing for artists' websites.
A.together, we would like 7 web pages on our website, consisting of:
- Home
- Meet the girls
- Music
- Tour
- Gallery
- Store
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