
My name is Monica Aghadiuno and my candidate number is 9365. I am in Group 3 with Godgift Emesi (9044), Angela Chen (9025) and Thakshana Yogeswaran (9179). To see my work please use the following three labels on the right: 'A2 Research and Planning,' 'A2 Construction' and 'A2 Evaluation.'

Group 3 - Music Video

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Tuesday, 6 October 2015

R+P Post 2: Myself as a Music Consumer

'Let's go fly a kite' from Mary Poppins

This was one of my favourite films in my childhood and whenever I hear this song, which is normally when I actively seek it out to reminisce, I associate it with the happy times of my childhood. I would watch this film on a tiny television, sitting with my brothers a small sofa and although sounds so simple, it gave me the greatest pleasure. Listening to this song reminds me of the days of living a simple, worry free life. The song itself is extremely catchy and contains simple lyrics, which meant it was easy to song along to. It is a happy song that accompanies a vibrant scene in the film, full of colour, which resonated with me; it made me smile, dance and sing - everything a child does! 

Empire State of Mind, Jay Z ft Alicia Keys

This song was one of my favourite songs and probably the most played one throughout the duration of my time at secondary school. I would play it from the time it came out in Year 7 until Year 11. During this period of my life, I did not listen to the variety of music that I do now. It was mainly pop hip-hop and R&B from the charts or from CDs in my house, which explains why I liked this song. I particularly liked the lyrics and beat of it, and I ended up covering the song on the drums. I remember how popular this song was; it was in the charts, on music television channels, on the radio. My family loved it too and there have not been many examples when we have all enthused about a particular song for a lengthy period of time together.

I Was Here, Beyoncé

 This song is by no means new but it will always mean a lot to me and be inspirational. Whenever I am feeling negative or stressed, this is among the songs which I would listen to, in order to calm myself down. It's a song that I will never get bored of hearing. To me, the important message conveyed is that we all matter. One aspect of this, is that we, as individuals are important and we should never feel as if we are any less important than anyone else. The other aspect is generosity and selflessness; there are many less fortunate people in the world, who struggle to live their lives and so we must not forget that they exist and should try and help them because they matter too. This song is extremely powerful and contains values that I and everyone else should seek to have.

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